lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

Koassilator Pro Falls v0.1

Inspired on monome applications like boing, I wrote this application to be used with Kaossilator Pro.
The idea is create a fall in a direction and restart the sequence when it reach the end.

Quick Start
  1. Connect Kaossilator Pro to your computer via USB or MIDI
  2. Set Kaossilator Pro MIDI IN and MIDI OUT
  3. Assure that Kaossilator Pro is in MIDI Clock Internal
  4. Enjoy!
Kaossilator Pro Hold Mode
I recomend to test the application with Kaossilator Pro hold mode (pressing shift + pad).

Trigger Mode
There are 2 trigger modes:
  • ABSOLUT: divides the time of the fall according full range value (0-127).
  • RELATIVE: divides the time of the fall relative to the position pressed on the pad.
Falls Mode
You can define with direction want for falling, it can be DOWN, UP, LEFT or RIGHT.

Fall Time
You can modify the fall time using the ARP TIME fader when ARP is turn off. Also you can combine different time for fall and gate arp.

Midi Clock Sync
The application is sync with KP through MIDI clock, you can change the BPMs and falls will keep sync. Assure that Kaossilator Pro is in MIDI Clock Internal.

Store Settings
All settings are stored immediately after you have changed them, so the next time you run the application settings will be there exactly as you leave them.

The application was developed on Processing using the Midi Bus and crontrolP5 libraries.

4 comentarios:

  1. I'm just starting to use the Kaossillator Pro. What kind of keyboard do you use connected to your computer? Is it MIDI out or USB?

  2. Hi, if you want to control Kaossilator Pro with a keyboard check "Notes":
    You can use any Keyboard connected to the PC, either through Midi in or usb.

    "Falls" don't need a keyboard to work, this app send parameters to Kaosssilator Pro to generte a fall effect.

  3. Thanks for the reply. I don't have a keyboard yet. I just have the Kaossillator Pro, which I bought recently, and I'm trying to get used to it. I'm looking at getting a keyboard in a few weeks, but the music store here in Japan just has Akai keyboards, and I don't really like the feel of the keys on those.

  4. Hey there,

    I have a question. I own an xy pad that sends midi notes to the kaossilator pro in stand-alone synth mode and it works even without your Pro Notes program. I just connect a midi cable into the midi in socket and I can control the Kaossilator. However, the moment I switch to ext. ctrl mode the kaossilator pro doesn't seem to be receiving any incoming midi messages, and only seems to be sending them to the computer. My question is if it is possible for the kaossilator pro to send and at the same time receive midi messages while in ext.ctrl mode?

    Thank you for your help.
